In this class, students of German 250, "German Film and the Frankfurt School," discuss German-language film, critical theory, and other topics as they emerge!
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Gegen die Wand
For all you movie buffs, here's one of the films we missed out on this week. "Gegen die Wand" or "Head On"(2004) is a film written and directed by Fatih Akin, a German director of Turkish descent. It shows a more multicultural Germany and the prominent Turkish culture and population which exists there. It's a film concerning search for belonging, tragedy, and ultimately love (though certainly not the kind you find in Hollywood!)
Monday, April 23, 2012
Post-Wende Films: A Comparison of "Good Bye, Lenin!" and "The Lives of Others"
I found this article on MUSE that you all might be interested in. It compares the two highly influential post-Wende (after the fall of the Berlin wall) films, "Good Bye, Lenin!", which we saw this week, and "The Lives of Others." While both were filmed within the last 10 years and focus on the former GDR and German unification, this article observes how the films differ greatly "in cinematic strategies, ideological positioning of the spectator, and the narrative function of gender."
Most interesting for me was the discussion on gender and how it created alternate views of the former East.
While the narrative and cinematic organization of The Lives of Others provide the viewer with an ideologically distinct, nostalgic reconstruction of a Cold War narrative of the GDR, in which the female protagonist and the GDR are clearly vilified, Good Bye, Lenin!’s narrative and cinematic strategies position the viewer as simultaneously sympathetic and critical, constructing the female protagonist as the site of contradiction between real existing socialism and the utopian impulse at its heart.
Most interesting for me was the discussion on gender and how it created alternate views of the former East.
While the narrative and cinematic organization of The Lives of Others provide the viewer with an ideologically distinct, nostalgic reconstruction of a Cold War narrative of the GDR, in which the female protagonist and the GDR are clearly vilified, Good Bye, Lenin!’s narrative and cinematic strategies position the viewer as simultaneously sympathetic and critical, constructing the female protagonist as the site of contradiction between real existing socialism and the utopian impulse at its heart.
Goodbye Lenin Flash Site
Hey guys! While browsing around the internet looking for something interesting to read about Wolfgang Becker's Goodbye Lenin, I came across this nifty site!

Along with having bits about the cast and director himself, there's a "Director's Note" section which I found particularly interesting. The first section, "An Important Character of German History," is as follows:
He also gave little snippets of insight into other aspects of the film.
--each of the main characters
--The Narrative Quality of Props
--A West German Take on an East German Topic
--Use of Existing Archival News Material
--On Comedy
--Tragicomic Element
--Bad Luck on the Set
and X Filme
If any of these topics spark your interest, I'd suggest checking out the site. The graphics are cool, the quotes are short, and all that beguiling jazz.

Along with having bits about the cast and director himself, there's a "Director's Note" section which I found particularly interesting. The first section, "An Important Character of German History," is as follows:
I was fascinated by the idea of a son trying to save his mother's life, trying to keep death at bay with a lie and getting more and more entangled in his lie about an East Germany that no longer exists, and that he wants to make his mother continue to believe in. This is something that's universal and could be totally separated from this specific past, this whole East German story and the fall of the Wall and reunification. I was excited by the idea of combining both aspects and relating an important character of German history as well, or least having it as a background. That's what's so wonderful about this topic. It's a slice of German history, but it's told incidentally and not placed in the forefront of the story.
He also gave little snippets of insight into other aspects of the film.
--each of the main characters
--The Narrative Quality of Props
--A West German Take on an East German Topic
--Use of Existing Archival News Material
--On Comedy
--Tragicomic Element
--Bad Luck on the Set
and X Filme
If any of these topics spark your interest, I'd suggest checking out the site. The graphics are cool, the quotes are short, and all that beguiling jazz.
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
A note from Wolfgang Petersen
This was included in the uncut edition of Das Boot that I have:
Just to extend a little on what I talked about in class on Tuesday.
My vision for Das Boot was always to show the gritty and terrible reality of war, and to combine it with a highly entertaining story and fast-paced action style that would pull audiences into the experience of these young men out there. The mini-series represents my complete version of that experience. Thanks to new technology, Das Boot now comes even closer to revealing the shocking realities of life in a U-boat-- the way it sounded, the way it felt, the way it affected people so strongly-- and I think that this DVD presentation of the fully restored, six-hour miniseries will be even more shocking and affecting for audiences.
Just to extend a little on what I talked about in class on Tuesday.
Monday, April 16, 2012
Haneke's Take on Inner Violence
Seems we’re not the only ones without the appetite for Haneke.
An interview between Lawrence Chua and Michael Haneke starts with the sentence: “After seeing my first Michael Haneke film, I left the theater sick to my stomach.”

The violence in his films, La Pianiste at the forefront of my mind here, stands out the most. Violence against others, violence against the self, violence as an expression of love, of confusion, of feeling lost – violence as the only true form of expression.
One of his other films, Benny’s Video, contains themes of violent imagery obsession and a disconnect from any moral sense of reality. I found this, also, to be true in La Pianiste. The main character had long since been dreaming of being beaten up, and was a self-proclaimed personage of no emotions. This disconnect from her emotions probably is what drove her to such lengths as cutting herself (which was a horrendously greusome scene, I might add), and eventually stabbing herself in the heart.
Quite the literal metaphor.
I obviously haven’t checked out the majority of Haneke’s films. But if this turns out to be a frequently recurrent set of themes (as I have a hankering it is), it makes me wonder if Haneke himself was in a similar state of mind.
He brings up a German expression, “destroy the things that have destroyed you,” even though it turns out that they have built those things themselves. This German tendency to self destruction is personified in the character of Erika, the piano teacher. Through her, Haneke is exposing a darker part of the German character than just the collective propensity to fascism –he is exposing the darkness within the individual.
Side note for Ashley: Haneke mentions in this interview that he thinks that the piano is often used to hide the flaws in a film.
An interview between Lawrence Chua and Michael Haneke starts with the sentence: “After seeing my first Michael Haneke film, I left the theater sick to my stomach.”

The violence in his films, La Pianiste at the forefront of my mind here, stands out the most. Violence against others, violence against the self, violence as an expression of love, of confusion, of feeling lost – violence as the only true form of expression.
One of his other films, Benny’s Video, contains themes of violent imagery obsession and a disconnect from any moral sense of reality. I found this, also, to be true in La Pianiste. The main character had long since been dreaming of being beaten up, and was a self-proclaimed personage of no emotions. This disconnect from her emotions probably is what drove her to such lengths as cutting herself (which was a horrendously greusome scene, I might add), and eventually stabbing herself in the heart.
Quite the literal metaphor.
I obviously haven’t checked out the majority of Haneke’s films. But if this turns out to be a frequently recurrent set of themes (as I have a hankering it is), it makes me wonder if Haneke himself was in a similar state of mind.
He brings up a German expression, “destroy the things that have destroyed you,” even though it turns out that they have built those things themselves. This German tendency to self destruction is personified in the character of Erika, the piano teacher. Through her, Haneke is exposing a darker part of the German character than just the collective propensity to fascism –he is exposing the darkness within the individual.
Side note for Ashley: Haneke mentions in this interview that he thinks that the piano is often used to hide the flaws in a film.
To cheer everyone up
So true! maybe it's not just German Films....
Anywho, between the depressing Rent Boys, the twisted La Pianist, the nihilist Fitzcarraldo and Maria Braun, I felt the need to cheer everyone up. Here are some uplifting things for everyone to watch, even if they have almost nothing to do with the course.
Extr@ auf Deutsch-This is the first part of the first episode of a great show the intermediate German II class has been watching, about an American visiting his pen pal in Berlin. It is pretty funny, but unfortunately, in German with German subtitles. However, it is pretty easy, and with the subtitles, if you have some german knowledge, you can do it! Sorry to anyone who doesn't speak german.
a romantic-comedy (apparently Germans can do it without making you want to cry, go figure! haha) about a Paparazzi journalist who gets sentenced to community service working in a kindergarten, where he falls in love with the teacher. I might add, this has the funniest ending to a movie I've seen in a long time.
a french film starring the woman from "The DaVinci Code", about a quirky woman and her life as a Parisian waitress.
Sorry, but I felt this had to be done. Everyone needs to laugh sometimes.
And now back to your regularly scheduled depressing German programming. ;-) haha
P.s. Feel free to add comments with other more positive things
Friday, April 13, 2012
On a lighter note: Goodbye Lenin!
Here is another movie I love that treats of the Est-West separation but in a much lighter way. A woman falls into a coma a little before the fall of the wall , when she eventually wakes up, the world she is in is nothing like the world she left. In the hospital room, the doctors tell her son to avoid any shocking situation as she might die this time. He therefore decides to reconstitute life as it was before the fall of the wall. Here is a preview:
Das Leben der Anderen
Spree Day being in the way, we did not have time to discuss last weeks movie. Even though I am guessing most of you have already seen it, lets refresh our memories with a brief summary. The story is set in East Berlin six years before the fall of the Wall. Captain Wiesler, a zealous and devoted Stazi officer is given the mission to spy on a prolific East German writer named Georg Dreyman. Dreyman is being suspected of collaborating with the West and of helping fellow artists that are opposed to the regime. Wiesler a lonely and dull man, spends his days listening to Dreyman and his girlfriend Christa-Maria (she is the real trigger for the investigation on Dreyman, in fact, the Culture Minister is infatuated with her and wants to get rid of Dreyman for that reason). He eventually gets attached to the couple and decides to not only ignore the numerous insinuations of treason but he also goes as far as protecting them. His efforts will not save Christa-Maria but the writer gets away free of charge. Eventually, Wiesler's actions are suspected by his superiors and he is retrograded to the lowest post possible. However, after the wall has collapsed and the surveillance files are open to the public, Dreyman discovers the truth and decides to write a novel about the man who saved his life.
This movie is remarkable for several reasons. The tension is palpable from end to finish and the viewer gets sincerely attached to the morbid Wiesler character. However, what makes it really stand out is its account on human nature. It shows that no matter what the greater cause is, personal gain and human greed are the motivation of many political actions. The minister is a perfect example of that. Dreyman would've been left alone if it was not for the minister interest in Christa-Maria. Also, the fact that the minister is able to comfortably reposition himself in the government makes the whole, East-West conflict almost a risible political issue, instead it becomes more a coq match between men of power whose only interest is to maintain this power. This of course can be tied to our discussion on Adorno and Horkheimer: the ruling minority uses the good of the people as an excuse for personal gain. Feel free to elaborate on that!
Thursday, April 12, 2012
The Dialectic of Enlightment
Friends, I feel like it is that time of the year, we can not avoid it any longer... We have to talk about the Dialectic of Enlightenment, also referred to as the most depressing and pessimistic essay of all time. Adorno and Horkheimer's text may make you wonder if any of the choices you ever made in your life are actually your own. It might also make you feel like any of the taste you may have are the consequence of the domination mainstream media has over all of society. It will finally make you feel like every illusion of freedom of thought you may have has actually been implemented by the dominant minority that rules the world and that makes sure that you (as the proletarian majority) remains in servitude. Finally, if you are a Jazz fan there simply is no way out for you.
Despite the slight will to hang yourself you might feel after reading it, the essay makes great observations about society and the way it works. This is why I will try to go over some of the main points that are being conveyed by citing some of their most relevant comments.
"Movies and radio need no longer pretend to be art. The truth that they are just business is made into an ideology in order to justify the rubbish they deliberately produce. They call themselves industries; and when their directors’ incomes are published, any doubt about the social utility of the finished products is removed."
"...the basis on which technology acquires power over society is the power of those whose economic hold over society is greatest."
"...any trace of spontaneity from the public in official broadcasting is controlled and absorbed by talent scouts, studio competitions and official programs of every kind selected by professionals. Talented performers belong to the industry long before it displays them."
(talking about entertainment such as film, radio and television) "The man with leisure has to accept what the culture manufacturers offer him. Kant’s formalism still expected a contribution from the individual, who was thought to relate the varied experiences of the senses to fundamental concepts; but industry robs the individual of his function. Its prime service to the customer is to do his schematising for him."
This is a very interesting part of the essay that directly relates to us because it treats of film: "The details are interchangeable. ... the hero’s momentary fall from grace (which he accepts as good sport), the rough treatment which the beloved gets from the male star,..., are, like all the other details, ready-made clichés to be slotted in anywhere; they never do anything more than fulfil the purpose allotted them in the overall plan. Their whole raison d’être is to confirm it by being its constituent parts. As soon as the film begins, it is quite clear how it will end, and who will be rewarded, punished, or forgotten(...) Though concerned exclusively with effects, it crushes their insubordination and makes them subserve the formula, which replaces the work."
"In the culture industry this imitation finally becomes absolute. Having ceased to be anything but style, it reveals the latter’s secret: obedience to the social hierarchy".
You get the general picture: repetition in film, popular music or television shows contribute to giving a false impression of reality and therefore make the masses easier to manipulate. By making the 99 percent believe in a reality that matches fiction, the dominant class can keep its hegemony. In fact, it feeds the masses, through media, with images of what it wants them to believe what constitutes happiness. The system works and soon the masses become blind to their servile state and their lack of freedom. Overall, this is how the two author justify the reason why Marxism failed and probably will always fail: people have been convinced to think that materialistic good and the comfort it brings are sufficient and more important than class equality and social justice.
If you are interested in reading the whole article, it is called Cultural Industry: Enlightment as Mass Deception.
Here's the link:
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Die Weisse Band (2009)
More film recommendations...
I was reminded by Daphne's post of this film I saw a few years ago in a German course. If you've ever seen any of Michael Haneke's films, you won't be surprised to know that this one is especially bizarre and creepy... and quite a commentary on the pre-war German life.
Die Weisse Band, Eine deutsche Kindergeschichte (The White Ribbon, A German Children's Story) follows the lives of the citizens of a suppressed Protestant north German village, Eichwald, in a period just before World War I (July 1913-August 1914). Strange murders, gorey deaths, and suicides accompany intense sexual and physical abuse of the children in the town.
In Oberösterreichische Nachrichten, Julia Evers called the film "an oppressive and impressive moral painting, in which neither the audience nor the people in the village find an escape and a valve from the web of authority, hierarchy and violence. [...] Everything in The White Ribbon is true. And that is why it is so difficult to bear."
I often try to avoid the Kracauer-ian analysis, but it is easy to suppose that Haneke created with this film a prequel to the story of Nazi Germany. It is fairly easy to predict that the dark, abused, oppressed 14 year-old boy growing up under violent authoritarianism (his father was an abusive pastor) in 1913 could have made an excellent violent, authoritarian Nazi in his 30's. Haneke comments on the allusion of the film to Nazism.
A must-see, I think.
I was reminded by Daphne's post of this film I saw a few years ago in a German course. If you've ever seen any of Michael Haneke's films, you won't be surprised to know that this one is especially bizarre and creepy... and quite a commentary on the pre-war German life.
Die Weisse Band, Eine deutsche Kindergeschichte (The White Ribbon, A German Children's Story) follows the lives of the citizens of a suppressed Protestant north German village, Eichwald, in a period just before World War I (July 1913-August 1914). Strange murders, gorey deaths, and suicides accompany intense sexual and physical abuse of the children in the town.
In Oberösterreichische Nachrichten, Julia Evers called the film "an oppressive and impressive moral painting, in which neither the audience nor the people in the village find an escape and a valve from the web of authority, hierarchy and violence. [...] Everything in The White Ribbon is true. And that is why it is so difficult to bear."
I often try to avoid the Kracauer-ian analysis, but it is easy to suppose that Haneke created with this film a prequel to the story of Nazi Germany. It is fairly easy to predict that the dark, abused, oppressed 14 year-old boy growing up under violent authoritarianism (his father was an abusive pastor) in 1913 could have made an excellent violent, authoritarian Nazi in his 30's. Haneke comments on the allusion of the film to Nazism.
A must-see, I think.

Perhaps the most touching part of the film is the close, semi-homoerotic relationship that Friedrich (Max Riemelt) forms with Albrecht (Tom Schilling), another boy at the elite school. Their friendship exists despite immense differences in their personalities and forces within the school that threaten to tear them apart. Ultimately, this friendship leads Friedrich to discover that Napola is not all he had thought it to be and that he in fact rejects many of the school's teachings. Here's the trailer for those that are interested, as well as one of the more touching scenes with Friedrich and Albrecht.
Monday, April 9, 2012
The Piano Teacher

Take a look at the trailer here. Music plays an important role in the film, the music being that composed by Schubert and Schumann with some of the songs even containing German lyrics (see, there's still the German connection and this post, therefore, does not deviate completely from the purpose of this blog!). I'll warn you however, this film is seriously disturbing. Know that before casually loading it on Netflix some evening.
Saturday, April 7, 2012
Funny Games
This post was inevitable, right?
I picked up a copy of the American version years ago, watched it sometime last semester. (It should be noted you need to kind of be in the right mood for this film. Like, totally down for a disturbing night. So it took me quite a while to get around to it.) Now with a bit of German under my belt I decided to watch it auf Deutsch.
For those who don't know, this is a film by Michael Haneke first made in Germany in '97 then remade shot-by-shot with American actors - Tim Roth, Naomi Watts, Brady Corbet & Michael Pitt.
I'm currently watching the last 15 minutes and it is making just as little sense as the American version. I literally have no idea what you are thinking, Haneke! But it's perfect. I don't think there's enough written about this by real film scholars. There are some so-so reviews. This one is good but I am utterly unfamiliar with this "Brechtian" influence.
It all makes a lot more sense with some thought and this interview, but at surface value the style of this film just kills me. And the perfection of the shot-by-shot remake is incredible.
My mom watched this because she loves really sick horror films - but she didn't really like it that much or appreciate it. I was only ever interested in it for two reasons - the fact it was a shot by shot remake, and the fact that Michael Pitt is in it. I called her up after I watched it the first time and went on and on about the self-reflexivity and how confused I was about the whole ending. She didn't get it. But anyone who has ever taken a film class should be intrigued by this film.
Also, I really, really love the opening sequence.
The most curious thing ever - I watched this streaming on Netflix and you know how when you scroll backwards it goes frame by frame? Well, it was suddenly Michael Pitt and Naomi Watts even though I'm watching the German version. WHAT?!
Monday, April 2, 2012
interview with Rosa Van Praunheim on Rent Boys,1518,747267,00.html
Rent Boys
Rent Boys is a documentary directed Rosa Van Praunheim and a particularly complicated film to digest. It introduces its viewers to the often dark lives of "Rent Boys" boys that hustle or sell their bodies. The film begins with the "Zoo" and other rent boy spots around West Berlin, but then makes its way into Romania attempting to explore the complex relationship that seems to exist between the sex trade immigrant poverty. There is no doubt that this film keeps with Van Praunheim's theme of gay rights, especially AIDS awareness, but it also falls in some ways into doubt as a form of exploitation. The work of activists is featured, but to a degree it can be said that he pursues the drama of individual characters as well as presents shocking scenes that could very well alienate a large portion of the viewer demographic. This feature is counter intuitive to the idea of documentary for awareness. However towards the end of the film the stories told, work create a extensive view of that life is like and exactly what elements are at work that keep "hustling" alive in todays society.
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Charlotte von Mahlsdorf
Kuzniar also discusses at length Praunheim's film, "Ich bin meine eigene Frau" (1993), which tells the astonishing story of Charlotte von Mahlsdorf (1928-2002), who apparently lived fairly openly as a gay transvestite in the Nazi era, in the German Democratic Republic, and in newly unified Germany.
Here you get a sense of the cadences of the "real" Charlotte:
After Praunheim's film, the American playwright Doug Wright wrote an important play also called "I Am My Own Wife," which further complicated the story:
It turns out very little of Mahlsdorf's story can be corroborated, which made it seem like it was possible that she wasn't such a hero after all ... But Kuzniar's discussion of how Rosa von Praunheim's film prevents the spectator from feeling that he or she really "knows" Mahlsdorf suggests that Praunheim's film anticipates these kinds of concerns.
Here you get a sense of the cadences of the "real" Charlotte:
After Praunheim's film, the American playwright Doug Wright wrote an important play also called "I Am My Own Wife," which further complicated the story:
It turns out very little of Mahlsdorf's story can be corroborated, which made it seem like it was possible that she wasn't such a hero after all ... But Kuzniar's discussion of how Rosa von Praunheim's film prevents the spectator from feeling that he or she really "knows" Mahlsdorf suggests that Praunheim's film anticipates these kinds of concerns.
"Nicht der Homosexuelle ist pervers, sonder die Situation, in der er lebt" (1971)
Alice Kuzniar talks at length about this important film, arguably the first gay activist film worldwide. The improbable title means, "It's not the homosexual who is perverse, but the situation in which he lives."
I have a rare English copy of the video, but I can't find it!!! Ack! Here is a clip from youtube without subtitles. Even if you don't know German, you should be able to recognize two voice overs. The first is a regular narrator who explains that Daniel, the protagonist who is making his way through the gay world, has taken up with a rich man. Then comes the shrill voice over of the Marxist sociologist Martin Dannecker, denouncing wealthy "faggots" for their willingness to use their class privilege to exploit others.
I have a rare English copy of the video, but I can't find it!!! Ack! Here is a clip from youtube without subtitles. Even if you don't know German, you should be able to recognize two voice overs. The first is a regular narrator who explains that Daniel, the protagonist who is making his way through the gay world, has taken up with a rich man. Then comes the shrill voice over of the Marxist sociologist Martin Dannecker, denouncing wealthy "faggots" for their willingness to use their class privilege to exploit others.
Wir Kinder vom Bahnhof Zoo
The title of Rosa's film, "Rent Boys, Die Jungs vom Bahnhof Zoo," alludes to a famous film about prostitution at West Berlin's main train station (Bahnhof Zoo), "Wir Kinder vom Bahnhof Zoo" [We Children of Bahnhof Zoo]. It was released in English as "Christiane F."
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