Monday, March 26, 2012

Music from Fitzcarraldo

As I noted in an earlier post, Herzog has quite a history of involvement in the musical arts. He directed 14 operas during his career, and even though he has noted on several occasions that Fitzcarraldo is primarily a visual movie, the music is still a major focus.
The music of the film is done primarily by the German Band Popol Vuh (who broke up in 2001). Popol Vuh, who take their name from an Ancient Mayan story and are described as "electronic avantgarde," partnered with Herzog on a number of films, including Aguirre, the Wrath of God, Nosferatu, Cobra Verde, Heart of Glass, and The Enigma of Kaspar Hauser (in which group founder and keyboardist Florian Fricke appears on screen).

Here is the link to an interesting analysis of the role of music in Herzog's films:

If you are interested in hearing some more of Popol Vuh's music, here is a playlist that someone created on Youtube:

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