Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Pauline Kael on Siegfried Kracauer

The famous American film critic Pauline Kael opined, "Siegfried Kracauer is the sort of man who can't say 'It's a lovely day' without first establishing that it is day, that the term "day" is meaningless without the dialectical concept of 'night,' that both these terms have no meaning unless there is a world in which day and night alternate, and so forth. By the time he has established an epistemological system to support his right to observe that it's a lovely day, our day has been spoiled." Is she right?

1 comment:

  1. This quote did really tickle me in class. She is right, but sometimes that kind of ridiculously in-depth analysis is wonderful! I'll need more time for my own opinion of Kracauer to develop.


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