Sunday, January 29, 2012

Perhaps this is too silly for my first post, but I think it would be a mistake not to share this further.
Jonas played it for us at the end of class on Friday.

I present to you the music video for Blümchen - Ich Bin Wieder Hier
It is not a film, but it is certainly theatrical.


  1. Whoa. SO theatrical! Haha
    It's sort of Titanic-esque, what with the ship and her pretending to fly.

  2. A little silly, but I'm inclined to believe that connections can be drawn between just about everything. Did you see the whirlpool midway through? Kracauer cites this as a symbol of disorder and chaos. Lo and behold, here it's used again- this time to demonstrate chaos when the storm separates the lover and the woman is thrown overboard. The more I think about it, I'm persuaded by Kracauer's interpretation of the whirlpool, circles, and spinning objects as having common connotations of chaos. I see their repeated use in film again and again, especially at points where the mains characters exhibit fear and confusion, or the plot has taken turn which leaves the audience uncertain. The first film that comes to mind which makes significant use of this symbol is Alfred Hitchcock's "Vertigo." You can see the trailer by following the link below.

    Anyone else catch the definition of Vertigo in the beginning? "Figuratively a state in which all things seem to be engulfed in a WHIRLPOOL of terror." How about the circular twisting hairstyle of Kim Novak's character? Or the spinning sensation of falling or even the whirlpool imagery used by Hitchcock in the title sequence and throughout the film? Clearly this symbol is universal and has factored frequently in a number of different film types throughout the history of cinema.

  3. I'm glad you caught on to the spinning spiral--watch out for it when we watch Berlin Symphony of a Great City too!

  4. lovely video and song by the way ... the zeppelin fits in with our german pre-war topic!


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